Frequently Asked Questions
What is Himalayan black tea?
Himalayan black tea refers to a type of black tea that is grown and produced in the Himalayan regions.
What makes Himalayan black tea unique?
Himalayan black tea is unique due to the high-altitude growing conditions in the Himalayan regions. The altitude, combined with the specific terroir, climate, and soil, imparts distinct flavours and characteristics to the tea leaves.
Can Himalayan black tea be re-steeped?
Yes, Himalayan black tea can often be re-steeped for multiple infusions. Each steeping may yield slightly different flavours, but subsequent infusions can still provide enjoyable cups of tea.
Can Himalayan black tea be consumed with milk and sugar?
Yes, Himalayan black tea can be consumed with milk and sugar if desired.
How is Himalayan black tea best prepared?
Himalayan black tea is typically best prepared using hot water, with an optimal temperature range of 195°F to 205°F (90°C to 96°C). Steeping times may vary but are generally around 3 to 5 minutes.